Informationen zum Produkt "HL00695355 Fretboard Roadmaps"
Learn the essential patterns that all great guitarists know and use! This book with Audio Access pack will have you playing lead and rhythm anywhere on the fretboard, in any key. You'll learn chord-based licks, moveable major and blues scales, major pentatonic 'sliding scales,' first-position major scales, and moveable-position major scales. The book includes easy-to-follow diagrams and instructions for beginning, intermediate and advanced players. The Audio Access includes 41 demonstration tracks to help you perfect your new skills.
Sprache Englisch
48 Seiten
Lerne die wichtigsten Lead- und Rhythmus-Patters aus Bluegrass und Folk und wo sie sich in welcher Tonart auf dem Griffbrett befinden. Inkl. akkordbasierten Licks, beweglichen Dur- und Blues-Skalen, Dur-Pentatoniken, Griffe in der ersten Lage und vieles mehr.