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Artikelnummer: 205265Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit 3-5 Werktage + 1 Werktag bei Vorkasse
- Artikel-Nr.: 205265
In diesem umfassenden Handbuch verrät der sechsfache Grammy®-Gewinner Daniel Ho die Geheimnisse seiner G-Kilauea-Slack-Key-Stimmung. Das Buch enthält: über 200 Akkorde in G, Tonleitern, Terzen und Sexten in G, sechs Prinzipien für ein eigenes Tuning, sieben Bearbeitungstechniken für Gitarre, Tabulatur und Noten zu 13 Originalkompositionen und Bearbeitungen traditioneller hawaiianischer Songs sowie eine Audio-CD mit Beispielen.
Sprache Englisch
In 1832, the first vaqueros, cowboys from Mexico, arrived on the Big Island of Hawai'i. They were invited by King Kamehameha III to teach Hawaiians how to manage their cattle. The vaqueros brought Guitars with them and taught the paniolo, Hawaiian cowboys, how to play. These paniolo eventually developed their own unique tunings and music style known today as ki ho'alu, or Hawaiian slack key Guitar. Slack key is played on regular Guitars with certain strings slackened from standard tuning (EADGBE). Tunings were created to allow guitarists to play in different keys, accommodate vocal ranges, and facilitate distinctive musical phrases. Historically, slack key tunings were closely guarded family secrets. Due to its recent surge in popularity, information about slack key tunings is now readily available. There are hundreds of slack key tunings, but what emerged as the most recognized is the G 'Taro Patch' tuning (DGDGBD). In search of a new musical voice that strikes a balance between tunings, musical styles and genres, Daniel Ho has developed after much experimentation, the G Kilauea tuning (DGCGBE) which addresses the need for versatility and functionality for solo instrumentals and vocal accompaniment. He shares the secrets of his G Kilauea tuning in this comprehensive study. Included in the book are: